Wednesday, June 20, 2012

You can do anything!!

Almost 15 years ago,
I was blessed with a beautiful baby boy. 

This was not in my life plan,
but apparently God had something else in mind. 

I had been going to college up until
the summer before Caleb was born
& I was determined that I could continue this path on my own.

Totally caught up in finishing school,
I found an apartment near the college that I had been attending.
I had everything set-up to go back and finish my degree.

I had found a job for some extra cash &
a daycare on campus that was super convenient. 
The plan that I had for my life was seeming to work itself out,
 regardless of my supposed set-backs. 

The semester was starting in a few weeks
& I was beginning to move into our new house.
It was a cute old Victorian split into two apartments. 
One of which had been completely remodeled,
& one that they were still doing work on.

My big sister & I took a load of things
to the new house one evening,
excited to show her what a great life I was going to have.

We walked into the apartment to a tremendous stench,
that was definitely not there before.
What in the world could that possibly be? 
We both recognized the smell,
but we weren't sure how it was possible,
& then we saw her, crawling out of the bedroom,
wondering who was disturbing her sleep,
the actual resident of this house,  
a mangy feral cat.

No matter what we do in life,
& no matter what we think our life plan should be,
God has another one........

This house & plan were someone else's
& it never did become ours.

I did eventually finish school, but not on my terms. 
It was all God, leading me down the paths that I needed to go,
helping me to understand his plan.

As my son has grown up to be a handsome,
intelligent, kind, young man,
I think about all that we have been through,
& how excited that I am to be his mom.

He may not remember all of the trials that we have endured, 
but what a blessing they all were. 

Caleb, I can't wait to see what God has planned for your life. 
Just remember to keep an open mind,
focus on him & you can do anything.

Philippians 4:13 
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. 

Caleb with his cousin Andrew @ his 8th grade graduation. 

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